Saturday, July 11, 2009


Here are a few pics with my new underwater housing. The water is still murky but it is still good enough to work the kinks out. This first image still has the cover showing, but in a way helps frame the image.

This second image is of a rainbow which the water is still a bit too murky for good detail. Trying to guess focus underwater is by far the toughest thing to do. Auto focus doesn't work in such low light conditions.

My favorite images were ones that were partially out of the water. It adds a totally different element to the photograph.

More to come.....and they will only get better now that the kinks are worked out.

Friday, June 5, 2009


This title can work in 2 ways. One I have been slacking like crazy with the blog. And two it can work as a title for this piece. I'm not going to go into detail about the image rather have you try to figure out the "mood" No free pics on this one as it is too easy.

I put this image together late one evening as a stress reliever. It took about 5 minutes, but definitely has something going. I'll come back to it in a week or so and see where to go with it.

Guesses and comments welcome!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This image tells the tale of this spring. 4 feet of snow just North of us....I'm glad we aren't still on the Smith River!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lawn Ornament???

It's amazing what people will put in their lawns to attract attention.

Is this real? And if so how in the world did he get in there?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here you go. Hopefully this takes more than 3 guesses like last weeks image. 1st right guess gets a free 8 by 10 print from my website. Anyone outside of the US will receive a free upload for the image of their choice.

Either post your guess on the blog or on my facebook page!!

Good luck!!


Here are a few images revealing the long drawn out winter we are having this spring. Grabbing an image of a coyote can be a challenge. They are always on the move, and when they aren't they are sleeping. You have to be ready at all times with these guys because you never know when they are going to jump up and take off. Be prepared to walk a lot of miles!!

Deep snow usually helps because then the coyotes tend to use the road from time to time for travel...same as the bison and other large animals. Great if you are shooting, not so great if you are stuck in a traffic jam trying to get around them.

Point A to point B. I try to tell the whole story when photographing wildlife. There was a gentleman who stopped next to me and jumped out to take a photograph.... the only difference was that I had my 80-200 mm lens out and he pulled out his 600mm. I'm sure he got a great tight shot, but after he clicked the shutter a few times he jumped back in his car and left. The story, to me, here is not just a tight face shot of a coyote, but his destination, and his past. How did he get there? What was the surrounding terrain? What is he doing? Provide enough information in the photograph so that the viewer can create their own story.

Tough image to see so small, but 3 coyotes are running thru deep fresh snow. The only tracks are the ones left behind.